1. Wargames Foundry:
Possibly the biggest range to date and all sculpted by the Perry twins, with a few exceptions by Mike Owen. The range has command figures, knights, cannon and crew, handgunners and pikemen.
2. Artizan Designs
A relatively recent and growing range of landsknecht figures by Mike Owen. So far, there are command figures, pikemen, handgunners, halberdiers and dopplesoldners.
3. Pro Gloria Miniatures
Another new and growing company with a small, but expanding range of excellent figures sculpted by the talented Paul Hicks. So far a hackbut and looting landsknecht.
4. Eureka Miniatures
Australian miniatures manufacturer with a small Italian Wars range that has some gendarmes (knights) and mounted men-at-arms (unreleased):
5. The Assault Group
This UK company offers some suitable figures in the renaissance range, including halberdiers and the upcoming gendarmes.

6. Brother Vinni's Miniatures
Russian one-man company producing some very nice Landsknecht figures in 28mm. So far there are handgunners, halberdiers, a sort of hackbut/swivelgun, a sapper and an officer.

7. Old Glory Miniatures
American-based manufacturer with a large, though somewhat inconsistent range of figures, covering pikemen, command, handguns, cavalry, dopplesoldners...
USA: http://www.oldgloryminiatures.com/
UK: http://www.oldgloryuk.com/

8. Redoubt Enterprises
Redoubt offers a range of biggish figures that includes pikemen, officers, crossbowmen, handgunners, reiters (pistoliers), knights, artillery and crew, characters ...

9. Mirliton
Italian manufacturer with a small range of italian wars figures, including a rather nice carriocco (war wagon) and bellwagon.
Italy: http://www.mirliton.it/
UK: http://www.vexillia.ltd.uk/

10. Warrior Miniatures
Uk-based manufacturer of, among other things, a small renaissance range. The figures are a bit dated, but they are cheap as chips (70p each for a footmodel).

Another oldie. To be honest, they are pretty bad by today's standards.
12. Miniature Figurines (aka Minifigs)
Another company that seems to have been around forever and that do some landsknechts. No pictures though...
12. Miniature Figurines (aka Minifigs)
Another company that seems to have been around forever and that do some landsknechts. No pictures though...
Thanks for the review I found this most useful